
A test tube, which is commonly also known as a culture tube or sample tube, is a common piece of laboratory glassware consisting of a finger-like length of glass or clear plastic tubing, open at the top and closed at the bottom. The Test Tubes are used all over the world, in chemistry labs to handle chemical, they are widely used especially; for qualitative experiments and assays. They come with spherical bottom and its sides are vertical in shape. The design of their make them easy to wash out, and does allow handy monitoring of the content. Its long deep narrow and straight neck helps to pace down speed of spreading of gases into the environment.

Test tubes are the best accessible glass container to heat the liquid or solid amount of element with the help of Bunsen burner or alcohol burner. We can either use a clamp or any tong to hold the tubes by its neck. By tilting tube, the bottom can be heated to hundreds of degrees in the flame on the same hand, the neck of a tube remains cool, perhaps, It allows the vapours to condense on the side walls of ‘Test Tube’. To boil the large amount of liquid a large test tube is needed, indeed. This Tube is also be used in the lab for storing chemical in it by applying stopper over its opened end.

